ScoreStream Partnership Get Started Guide

Welcome, Partner!

We are excited to have you on board and we want to ensure you get the most out of this partnership. Our goal is to first get you set up with a scoreboard for your website and then show you how to leverage ScoreStream to get you more exposure in your market.

In this post you will find steps and tips to getting started. If at any point you have questions or want some extra help, feel free to reach out to We would love to hear from you!


Getting Started with ScoreStream

  1. Username: if you have not already, please send your username to so we can give you access to all of our extra back-end tools. If you still need to create one, you can do that at
  2. ScoreStream Tutorials: we have created step-by-step tutorials on all of our ScoreStream tools. You can browse through these now but also feel free to bookmark the link so you can refer back to the tutorials as you need them.

  3. Create a Scoreboard (or several): our scoreboards will pull in LIVE scores as they are inputted by the fans. You can put this scoreboard widget on your website in as many places as you want, and also create as many separate scoreboards as you’d like.

    To create a scoreboard, go to your WidgetManager and work through the steps or check out the tutorial for help. Once you have the teams added and a look and feel that matches your brand, put the scoreboard up on your website.

  4. Create a Photo & Video Gallery (or several): Similar to the scoreboards, the Photo & Video Galleries will pull in photos and videos in realtime. Go to your WidgetManager to create a Photo & Video Gallery just like you would a scoreboard. You can create a state-wide board for maximum coverage, create one with specific teams, or both!
  5. On-Air Ticker Integration: if you are a TV station you can also use our scores for your on-air tickers. The great part about this, is you don’t have to update the score separately in your ticker interface. You can update the score ONCE in the ScoreStream GameManager or the mobile app (or just use the scores from our fans), and it will automatically update the data in your ticker. Contact us for more information!


Promote Your Coverage

You now have realtime scores, photos, and video on your website. Time to promote your coverage so people know you’re a leading source for local sports! Check out these links for tips and ideas:

Other Tools & Things To Do (if it helps you!)

  1. Update scores, game time and location: use our GameManager tool to manage all game information. You can see all the games from your widget in one pace and add scores, game segment, time, location and get to the game page to post.
  2. Schedule games: in some cases, we may already have the schedules in the system. If we do not have your team’s schedule and you want to add a schedule, you can do that using our GameScheduler tool.
  3. Create your own ranking set (or use one of ours): while we do not have standings or stats (yet!) we do have the ability to create your own ranking set and apply it to any scoreboard.
  4. Add a game venue: since a soccer team plays on the soccer field and the basketball team in the gym, you can add several venues for each school. You can set certain venues as the default and also add venues that may be specific to playoffs.
  5. Update a team page: our partners and General Managers all have access to updating team information. You can change out the background photo or upload a logo. If you do not have access to this, just email us and we’ll fix that!


Please feel free to reach out with questions, comments, or just to say hi!



You may also be interested in:

>>Promotional Playbook
>>Scoreboard Inspiration

Be the Leader in High School Sports Coverage in Your Market

Below are several examples of creative ways our partners utilize our content in their own coverage. Posting great content in games helps you engage with fans specifically interested in that coverage. It also positions you as the leader in your market for high school sports! The sky is the limit so we encourage you to get as creative as you can!

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our Promotional Playbook for more ideas.


Pre-Game Videos Posted in Game Pages

Pre-Game News Segment including interviews with the players by KRIS6Sports in Calallen vs Flour Bluff:


Pre-Game News Segment highlighting the coach’s career as he goes for his 427th win by 3SportsBlitz in Calallen vs Flour Bluff:


Pre-Game interview with the coach by KRIS6Sports in Sinton vs Ingleside:


Post-Game Coverage

News segment posted in the game page after the game was over that shows highlights, by KRIS6Sports in Moody Trojans vs King Mustangs:


News segment by KMEG with game highlights from two games and a mention of a play from the game that was selected for ScoreStream’s Plays of the Week. Check out the full article here.


Donnie Tillman from WICS posted a video to the ScoreStream app that got selected as the #1 pick of the week! He then used that to create a news segment, interviewing the player in the play:


Other Creative Segments

This is an awesome segment by WLUK in Green Bay that shows fans how to use the ScoreStream app. Also check out the full news article.


Segment on ScoreStream from WGXA in Macon, GA:


Questions? We’re here to help!


You may also be interested in:

>>Promotional Playbook
>>Scoreboard Inspiration
>>Promo Maker Tutorial


Using Rankings On Scoreboards

Want to show off team rankings on your ScoreStream scoreboard? Now you can! Just build your widgets with our ranking sets by following these simple steps:

1. Log in to your account at, click on “My Widgets” and select “Create widget”.

Rankings 1


2. Select your widget type.  If you want to use an existing widget and replace what is currently on that widget with this ranking set, click ‘update’ next to that widget instead of creating a new one.
Note: Rankings are not available on Photo/Video Galleries.

Rankings 2


3. Once you’ve selected your widget type, you will see three tabs on the top. These tabs indicate the various ways you can build which teams will be listed on the scoreboard. Select the “Ranking Sets” tab.

Rankings 3


4. Once in the Ranking Set tab, you will be allowed to choose from any public rankings, or create your own set of rankings. The red arrow points to where you select to create your own ranking sets.

Rankings 4


5. Follow the steps to name your new ranking set. Once named, you’ll see the following screen. Once here, search for the team in the search bar, select them, and add them to your rankings!

Rankings 5


6. Once you have selected the teams, you will be allowed to re-order them with the arrows beside each team name. You will use this to update the rankings each week or as frequently as you’d like to change them.

The first time you will need to save using the gear by the ranking name. Moving forward, the rankings auto-save.


7. Once you’re finished, select “Back to Widget Creator” on the top right. This will return you to the widget all set up with the rankings! Click save on the widget. This will automatically update if you already have this scoreboard live on your website. If it is not live yet, copy and paste the iframe code below and copy it wherever you want your scoreboard.


8. Share for fans to follow!

Promotional Playbook for GMs

Welcome to the ScoreStream GM Promotional Playbook! We are excited to have you on board as a General Manager, and we want to ensure you get the most out of ScoreStream.

As a General Manager, you are the leader of your team’s fan base. You care about representing your team and getting as many other fans engaged in the game as you can.

Just stepping up as a GM is plenty, but if you’d like to do more to engage your fans, you’ve come to the right place!  We have already put together tips on getting ready for game day which you can find here. In this post, you’ll find ideas and examples of how to get your local community involved using ScoreStream using other platforms outside of ScoreStream.

Note: If you are not set up as a GM, please email us at We will happily get you set up!

In This Blog Post…

About ScoreStream

ScoreStream brings fan driven scoring of local sports to users in real-time. Our mobile app allows fans, GMs, and partners to post scores, photos, and video and engage in real-time conversations with other fans. Our desktop suite of tools empower GMs to schedule games in advance, create online scoreboard widgets, and monitor/update scores in real time.

This guide will provide you with tips for utilizing and promoting the ScoreStream platform to promote your team and engage with your fellow fans.

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ScoreStream Tools Tutorials

Once you are set up as GM, take a look at our tutorials for step-by-step guides on how ScoreStream works. If you aren’t looking to create a scoreboard for your team’s website, you can leave the widget sections for later.

  • ScoreStream Mobile App: score games, upload photos and videos, post to social media and more.
  • GameManager: find, follow and update games in real-time.
  • GameScheduler: schedule games in advance to display upcoming games on your scoreboards.
  • WidgetCreator: create an online scoreboard widget that pulls in scores for your team(s) in real-time.
  • WidgetManager: manage, edit and update existing scoreboard widgets. When you make a change, the scoreboard widget updates automatically.

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Promote on ScoreStream

There are a ton of ways to use ScoreStream to interact with your fans, remind them about upcoming games or rallying their team spirit. Check out or full post on tips for Getting ready for Game Day!

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Social Media

There are many ways to help engage more fans through social media. We’ve compiled some tips to help you increase interaction with your followers.

  • Post in the App: ScoreStream is where fans go to post scores and discuss games. You can post in the app within team pages to engage your team’s fans.
  • Post from the App: You can post to Twitter and Facebook direct from the app. See our mobile app tutorial if you need some pointers on using the app. Pre-load your hashtag to accompany every post. Posting to a Team Page you manage on Facebook? We have a guide on how to do that too!
  • Photos and Video: Use our app to make your photos and videos awesome! ScoreStream has photo filters and customizable scoreboard overlays that you can create in the app and publish to your social media sites. Our mobile app tutorial has more information on the photo and video tools.


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  • Follow us and tag @ScoreStream in your updates so we can help share your content.
  • Pre-load your hashtag for all tweets from the ScoreStream app.
  • “@mention” team names, athletes, coaches, etc. This makes it easier for them to retweet / favorite your content.
  • Use our photo and video features to make your photos look great with a score overlay. Attach these to your tweets to rise above the noise.
  • Remind your followers to download the ScoreStream app for real-time scores and to add their own scores.
  • More Examples:
    • Find, share scores and post pics & video with [enter handle] & @ScoreStream. Download the app today!
    • Going to be at the games this HS football season? Post scores by using the free @scorestream app!
    • Download the @ScoreStream app and get in on the action – help score your team’s game! #prepzonehoops

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  • Make sure you’ve liked the ScoreStream page and that we’ve liked you back.
  • Don’t forget that if you’re running a Page (not posting to your personal page) you may need this workaround.
  • Facebook posts may include more information than tweets, so consider posting pre-game previews and post-game recap posts on Facebook.

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Promo Maker

Use the ScoreStream Promo Maker to make your social media posts more appealing. Within any game page, you’ll see the ScoreStream Promo Maker on the right side of the page.

2-trypromomakerClick on it and you will see options for creating your own graphic that you can attach to a Twitter, Facebook or put on your website.


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Write blogs, articles, and other opportunities for write-ups to highlight ScoreStream on big game days.

  • Blog Idea: write up a recap of a game and link to the ScoreStream team page for a complete recap of the game including all scores, posts, and photos/ video sent using ScoreStream.
  • Have a call-to-action to download the ScoreStream app. Reminding fellow fans to enter scores, photos and videos into ScoreStream. We know it’s not easy to make it to every game. Other fans can help you fill in the gaps for the games you don’t make it to.
        • Example: “We need your help covering Team X! Download ScoreStream for realtime high school sports scores, photos, video and more.


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Connect With Us:

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Questions? We’re here to help!

You may also be interested in…

>>Widget Inspiration
>>ScoreStream Tools Tutorials
>>GM Getting Ready for Game Day Tips

GM Tools- Game Stoppage Status

Have a game that is delay, cancelled, postponed, or any other changes in the game status? Don’t just delete the game, use the Game Manager to change the Game Status! This will keep the game on the game page, but let other fans see what happened.

Here’s how:

Step 1. Go to and open your Game Manager.

Step 2. Ensure the date is correct for the game you want to edit and select that game.

Edit games

Step 3. Select “See Stoppage Status” then select what status the game is now in.

Game Status

Step 4. Follow the steps on giving details about the game status change. Then you’re finished!


Thanks for helping ScoreStream and fans stay up to date with their favorite teams and every game!

ScoreStream Tutorial: Adding a Game Venue

Fans love seeing the game score, photos, and videos from the action. However, one thing ScoreStream has been asked a lot recently is: Where is this game being played?

Now you can tell other fans exactly where the game will be played, so they can come cheer along with you!

Step #1: Login

Login to your ScoreStream account and go to the team page that you’re a GM for.Login-1

Step #2: Go to team page settings

Once you are on your team page, click on the gears on the top right hand corner to get to the team page settings.* You will see a drop down of options populate – click on “Update Team Information”


*If you do not see these gears, you are likely not a GM for this team. If you would like to be a GM, please email

Step #3: Scroll to Game Venues

Scroll down to the Game Venues section in the page settings. There you will be able to see if there have already been venues added for your team. If there have been, verify they are in the correct location, and ensure the sports they show for that location are correct. If they aren’t, edit the current ones or add new ones.

Game Venues 1

Step #4: Add new Game Venues

Have a game venue that’s not on the list? Select “Add Game Venue,” drag the pin to the correct location, then fill in the name and sport information. The more information you can provide for fans, the better!

Venue 2


Still have questions? We’re here to help!

You may also be interested in:

>>Updating a Team Page
>>Getting Ready for Game Day
>>Promotional Playbook for GMs
>>Promotional Playbook for Partners

Posting to a Facebook Page from ScoreStream

Currently Facebook only allows apps to post to a personal Facebook page not a Page owned by that user for all apps except Twitter. Many teams and leagues have requested a way to post to their Facebook Page. Don’t fear, there is a way!

Step 1. Log into your Twitter account. Select your profile on the top right, then select “Settings”.


Step 2. Select “Connect to Facebook”. If you already have your account connected to Facebook, you may want to disconnect then reconnect it to configure the settings properly. You will also need to select who has access to see the posts from your Page. “Friends” or “Everyone” is suggested.


Step 3. Select the type of tweets to post on your personal page. Note: These selections are still on your personal page. You will need to select the “Allow posting to one of your pages” below, and select the permissions for the Page as well. You must select the “Post to my Facebook Page” for the tweets through ScoreStream to post on your Page.



Twitter has put together a similar guide to help you with the posting with/to Facebook setup. You can find it here. If you have any other issues, feel free to email us at and we will be happy to help!

Good luck on your season and thanks for using ScoreStream!


Best Photos from Encinitas Summer 7’s

This past weekend the annual Encinitas 7’s Rugby Tournament took place in San Diego. Spanning over twelve different divisions, the Encinitas 7’s Rugby Tournament hosted over 850 athletes from around the state, ranging in ages 10 and all the way up to 18 years of age. Throughout the competition, ScoreStream users maintained live updates of all the game results as well as many amazing photos and videos. We wanted to share a few of the amazing action!



Want to follow high school and club sports in real-time? Download the ScoreStream app for free here: Itunes or Google Play


Have a tournament coming up? We can help you with free, live scoring! Contact us at

ScoreStream Tutorial: Getting Ready for Game Day

The most successful General Managers are the ones that act as the best champion and evangelist for their team.  They rally other fans to show their team spirit and chat in games, they provide comprehensive play-by-plays and keep the score accurate and up to date during games they attend.  Here are some tips and examples of things Super GMs are doing on game day!


Before Game Day

Game Time & Location: Is the game time and venue correct? If not, change it! Once you make the change, followers of your team will be notified.

Pre-Game Posts: post in the game the week of to get people excited and keep them in the loop with anything they need to know. Is there a pep really? A spirit night? Parking information? Make sure you utilize ScoreStream as a way to communicate to your team’s fans.

Cheer Battle: did you know you can hit that cheer button as many times as you want? Start cheering for your team and get others to cheer as well!

Game Promotion: use our Promo Maker to create a game match up card. You can tweet it out on your account, your school or team’s account, or even in the game!

On Game Day

Bring the Spirit: rally your team! Get them excited and participating in the game conversation!

Interviews: record a pre-game video, half-time interviewpost game interview or post game wrap up with some of the athletes, coaches or fans.

Score: keep the score updated and encourage other fans to help out.

Play-by-Plays: for all the fans who aren’t able to be there, keep them updated with play-by-play updates or details about interesting plays.

Photos & Videos: everyone loves visuals. Post lots of photos and videos!

Rally Fans: get all the other fans to do all these things too! Find other fans and team advocates who want to contribute to game coverage. Remind them that the best photos and videos may get highlighted on our media partners‘ news websites. Put your team on the map!


You may also be interested in…

>>GM Promotional Playbook

ScoreStream Tutorial – Update Your Team Page

If you’re a General Manager for your team, you can customize your team page and make it uniquely yours! To get started, follow these simple steps:


STEP #1: Login

Login in at

On the right hand side of your dashboard under “My Teams” is a list of the teams you follow. You should find your team there, go ahead and click on it.

If you do not see your team, type in the team name in the search bar on top where it says “Find your team”dashboard-1

STEP TWO: Go to team page settings

Once you are on your team page, click on the gears on the top right hand corner to get to the team page settings.* You will see a drop down of options populate – click on “Change Pictures”


*Don’t see the gears? First make sure you are logged in. If you still don’t see the gears, you may not be a General Manager for this team yet. Request to be a GM of this team now!


STEP THREE: Change the pictures!

Now you can upload a background photo or change your logo. For the logo, it is best to use a .png format if possible. You can get as creative as you want – see below for some inspiration from other teams!






You may also be interested in…

>>Team Venues
>>Getting Ready for Game Day

>>Promotional Playbook

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