Author / Zachary Harbison

Mater Dei’s Coach McKnight Reaches Career Win Mark
Since coach Gary McKnight began his career at Mater Dei he has set a a precedence of excellence. This has led McKnight and his Monarch teams to a 983-85 record over his 32 years. That 92% winning percentage is the highest of any high school boys’ basketball coaches!
In honor of coach McKnight’s 1,000th win, Fox Sports West wrote a dedication to him becoming the first California high school basketball coach to reach that point!
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Fox Sports West ’14 All CIF-SS Team
“This season was dubbed the “Year of the Quarterback” in the Southern Section, and there was an abundance of signal callers. However, as the season drew to a close, it was a wide receiver who outperformed them all. Perhaps a prequel to 2015?”
Who did Fox Sports West name the Offensive Player of the Year? Did Josh Rosen hold on to the top QB position, or was he overthrown? See the full All CIF-SS Team here!
As part of our effort to ensure users have the best high school sports coverage, we are sharing articles from the media partners who use ScoreStream for their local youth sports coverage. Make sure to follow Fox Sports West (Twitter- @FoxSportsWest) as they provide the most in-depth, exciting coverage for high school sports.
Want to follow high school football in real-time? Download the app for free here: Itunes or Google Play

Fox Sports West ’14 CIF-SS Best Moments
The season isn’t over, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a perfect time to show off the best moments of the year! Share your favorite moments on the app and we will share our favorite pictures!
To see the moments that Fox Sports West selected as the best, go here!
As part of our effort to ensure users have the best high school sports coverage, we are sharing articles from the media partners who use ScoreStream for their local youth sports coverage. Make sure to follow Fox Sports West (Twitter- @FoxSportsWest) as they provide the most in-depth, exciting coverage for high school sports.
Want to follow high school football in real-time? Download the app for free here: Itunes or Google Play’s Class 2A State Final Preview
Florida State Final’s are here! Amazing football has been played the entire season; teams have grindedand fought hard. Now Victory Christian and Indian Rocks Christian get to battle out to see who is crowned champion!
“Throw everything out on this one when it comes to experience playing in state championship games. That is not going to matter here. What is going to matter is those few plays that will make or break either teams chances.”
To read the full analysis of both teams and the matchup, visit the article here!’s Playoff and Bowls Game Forecast
Playoffs and bowl games are upon us! Now wins mean everything, and it’s time teams leave. With an impressive 80.6% correct on the season, it may seem like Pinko has Florida football figured out, but playoffs are a different beast, anything can happen!
See how your predictions match up against his by checking out his Playoff picks here!
As part of our effort to ensure users have the best high school sports coverage, we are sharing articles from the media partners who use ScoreStream for their local youth sports coverage. Make sure to follow (Twitter- @FlaHSFootball) as they provide the most in-depth, exciting coverage for Florida high school football.
Download the app for free here: Itunes or Google Play
Muck Bowl
There’s an area of Florida where the soil is so rich with nutrients that the consistency is almost like muck. While that area is known for the rich soil and the large amount of cane sugar grown in it, muck isn’t the only thing Western Palm Beach County is recognized for.
With 12 football State Championships between them, Glades Central and Pahokee high school have a long standing rivalry and a bowl game named after the area- The Muck Bowl.
Just 10 miles apart, these two schools have a tradition of football excellence. As noted by 3 Fish Productions in their documentary “The Muck Bowl”, it was reported that Glades Central had produced the more current NFL players than any other high school. While smaller, Pahokee had big names to boast about too. It’s storied that the boys in that area get stronger not only through practice, but also by chasing rabbits through the fields.
Since the playoff era beginning in 1963, Glades Central has made 31 playoff appearances and Pahokee has made 26. Each number is extremely impresive and this was best seen during a stretch in the 2000’s when either school seemed to be winning state titles or reaching the finals! The Muck bowl being a big step in defining their season resumes.
While Pahokee will miss the playoffs this year, you can expect a tough game and a huge crowd for this year’s Muck Bowl. A tradition that brings in sell out crowds and defines the true Friday Night Lights’ experience.
You can follow this exciting Muck Bowl tradition on the free ScoreStream app (Download the app for free here: Itunes or Google Play) or here:
Also make sure to follow @FlaHSFootball and see full Florida high school football coverage at
– Information and history provided by Josh, the owner of’s Week 11 Game Forecast
Playoff time is upon us and wins are critical now more than ever. With a 215-39 for 84.6% correct last week, Joe Pinko has done an amazing job at predicting who is going to get those W’s. With an impressive 81.2% correct on the season, it may seem like Pinko has Florida football figured out, but with teams making their playoff pushes, anything can happen! On top of their Playoff Watch, make sure to check out the weekly forecast where Pinko predicts the winner for each Florida high school football matchup.
See how your predictions match up against his by checking out his picks here!
As part of our effort to ensure users have the best high school sports coverage, we are sharing articles from the media partners who use ScoreStream for their local youth sports coverage. Make sure to follow (Twitter- @FlaHSFootball) as they provide the most in-depth, exciting coverage for Florida high school football.

WNEP Super 16 – Week 9
Will the giants ever fall? Six of the 16 teams teams in WNEP’s Super 16 remain undefeated at 9-0. While there may be six of them, two stand the tallest up top with Crestwood ranked first and North Schuylkill ranked second. Our friends at WNEP 16 are using ScoreStream to track all of the action, and you can follow along in real-time on the ScoreStream app!
Download the app for free here: Itunes or Google Play
To see WNEP 16’s rankings click here!
Make sure to follow WNEP (Twitter- @WNEPSports) as the provide the most in-depth, exciting football coverage for the Scranton area in Pennsylvania.
WGNO Voodoo Athlete of the Week- Kendall Bussey
Nebraska has to be excited to see there star running back recruit, Kendall Bussey (@KBJ_5) from Newman high school, dominating New Orleans area football. He did more than dominate against Riverdale, he ran the game with three rushing touchdowns, one receiving TD, and one kickoff return TD leading Newman to a 56-33 win. You can see the game recap here!
See the rest of the article and WGNO’s highlights here!
As part of our effort to ensure users have the best high school sports coverage, we are sharing articles from the media partners who use ScoreStream for their local youth sports coverage. Make sure to follow WGNO- an ABC company (Twitter- @WGNOtv) as they provide the most in-depth, exciting coverage for New Orleans area and Louisiana high school football.
Want to follow high school football in real-time? Download the app for free here: Itunes or Google Play